Lecture Programme

Lecture Programme

FRIDAY LECTURES AT 7.45pm from September to May, unless otherwise indicated


Visitors are welcome at all meetings, and are requested to donate £3 to the Society

2024-2025 Season - ALL TBD


September 20th 'Maxwell Without Maths' by Dr Nick Stapley

October 18th  'London's Industrial Archaeology' by Prof David Perrett

November 15th 'Using AI to Predict Bee Colony Behaviour', Dr Gordon Hunter, Kingston 

December 13th 'Use of LIDAR in Archaeology', Mr David Stapley, York University


January 17th 'Modelling Planetary Atmospheres' by Prof Alan Aylward

February 21st 'Cancer Immunotherapies: Using the Body to Fight Cancer' by Prof Lauren Pecorino, University of Greenwich

March 21st 'Galapagos: 'The Origin of Natural Selection', by Henry Nicholls, Galapagos Conservation Trust 

April 25th

May 16th

2023 - 2024 Season


September 15th: Fumifugium: The inconveniencie of the aer and smoak of London revisited: 1661-2023 Dr Ian Mudway, Imperial

October 20th: Helium - Where on Earth?, Mr Alan Bodley

November 17th: Science on Ice: The US Antarctic Programme, Mike Lucibella, University College 

December 15th: The James Webb Space Telescope,  Dr Nick Stapley, BSS Chair


January 19th: From Gout to Mad Cow Disease - my 50 years in Biomedical Research, Prof David Perrett

February 16th: The Psychology of Belief, Dr Anna Stone, UEL

March 15th: Aurorae, Prof Alan Aylward

April 19th: Studies and techniques to improve crop yields, particularly in water-stressed environments, Prof. Tracy Lawson (Professor in Plant Physiology) University of Essex 

May 17th: Why Transformers Fail, Mr Paul Dyer

PLEASE NOTE THAT the programme can change so be sure to check closer to the date, if there is a particular lecture of interest to you.  Also note that the titles of talks are provisional, and can change.  Again, check closer to the date.