About Us - History

Aims of the Blackheath Scientific Society

The Society exists to promote an interest in and an understanding of science in all its disciplines.   Topics range widely, drawn from all aspects of science and technology.  We invite experts to speak about the current state and advances in their field.  The talks are usually illustrated, and followed by a question time.

No special knowledge beyond an interest in science is needed for a worthwhile evening, although some lectures are more technical in nature than others.

Members are encouraged to put forward suggestions for the future programme.

Our lectures take place at Mycenae House, Mycenae Road, Westcombe Park/Blackheath usually on the third Friday of the month from September to May at 7.45 p.m.  During the summer we occasionally arrange an outing to a place of scientific or technological interest.


In 1857 the Blackheath Photographic Society was founded, soon merging with the Greenwich Natural History Club, followed by the West Kent Microscopical Society, to form the West Kent Natural History, Microscopical  and Photographic Society.  In its early days several renowned Fellows of the Royal Society and an Astronomer Royal were members. The Society carried out original field work in an area extending between Greenwich, Erith and Keston, and many scientific papers documenting the local fauna, flora and geology are preserved to this day at the Greenwich Heritage Centre.

In 1915, with a wider range of interests then being covered, it became the West Kent Scientific Society; then in 1967 'Blackheath' was adopted as being more indicative of the area served.

For the history of the West Kent Society CLICK HERE: History of the West Kent Society

For a more detailed history of the Society (by RJ Buchanan) CLICK HERE: History of the Blackheath Scientific Society