On 25th May 2018 the EU General Data Protection Regulation came into force.  This requires that organisations that hold data that could be used to identify an individual conform to certain regulations.  This affected BSS, and the purpose of this page is to explain what this means to us as a Society, and to you as a member or visitor.  

Not all of the requirements of the GDPR are applicable to us as we do not use your information for any purpose other than to contact you about forthcoming lectures and activities concerning the Society.

The data we hold on individuals is some or all of the following:  Name and address, email address, telephone number(s), membership status (paid up or not).  If you become a member of the Society you are implicitly agreeing that we hold your name, membership status, and means of contact (email or mobile number for example) as a minimum, as otherwise the Society could not function.  

However you have the right to see what data we hold, to ask that data be deleted, the right to be 'forgotten' on leaving the Society (all data deleted), and the right to correct any incorrect information we hold.  This can be done by sending an email to